de ku

Kto-Nr: 10 33 78 71
BLZ: 480 501 61
Sparkasse Bielefeld

YES board of directors visits the land parliament North Rhine-Westphalia



On the 04.06.2008 to visited board members by inc.(registered society) YES at invitation of the Landtag representative and chairperson(president) of the committee for work(job) and social Günter Garbrecht (SPD Socially democratic party) the Dusseldorf land parliament North Rhine-Westphalia. Mr. Garbrecht was on account of the preliminary talks(discussions) on the meeting very well prepares and accordingly he had taken kindly with his employees(colleagues) quite a lot of time for YES. The conversation took place with a big(great) openness. In this conversation YES members brought up the worries and miseries of the Yezidis in Germany. Although it lay the beginnings of the nationwide recognition and granting of an unlimited place to stay right for Yezidis by the big(great) engagement(commitment) of the Minister of the Interior Schnoor at that time in North Rhine-Westphalia, unfortunately, one has failed afterwards to form(establish) a satisfactory base for a whole-social cooperation centre. Rather the Yezidis became in a foreign(strange) world to their destiny(fate) leave. Such a draught(plan) would have made easier the momentary integration work absolutely. The YES members criticised in particular the defective support by the state(national) institutions. Since just because of this missing(lacking) support it is able on account of the yezidis associations very much split today, a more efficient participating of the Yezidis in the social life are not realised, although the yezidis religion is marked very openly and tolerant. Mr. Garbrecht agreed(corresponded) in all points and promised his full support.