de ku

Kto-Nr: 10 33 78 71
BLZ: 480 501 61
Sparkasse Bielefeld

Receipt of the chief mayor David



This year took part in the receipt of the chief mayor of the city of Bielefeld also the board of directors by inc. YES. This receipt is organised annually with the help of the integration office of the town Bielefeld. The acting chief mayor of the city of Bielefeld Eberhard David took part in this event personally. He took this to the occasion to thank the people in an honourary capacity active to a lot of for their engagement. These associations perform because for the citizens and female citizens of the city of Bielefeld, in particular for people with migration background, a persuasive integration work. One tries to integrate these people taking into account her cultural origin into the social life. During this receipt everybody had to lead the possibility a personal conversation with chief mayor David. Thus was of use also the board of directors by inc. YES. this possibility and informed the chief mayor David of the miseries in the city of Bielefeld resident Ezidis. He took this in himself and promised to initiate quick steps.
Bielefeld, 20.12.2008 board of directors inc. YES.